Te koop: Offer for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy for sale

Here are the list of Apple and Samsung for sales below Apple iPhone Apple iPhone 11 64GB costs 700 Apple iPhone 11 128GB costs 750 Apple iPhone 11 256GB costs 800Apple iPhone 11 Pro 64GB costs 850 Apple iPhone 11 Pro 256GB costs 900 Apple iPhone 11 Pro 512GB costs 950 Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 64GB costs 950 Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB costs 990 Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB costs 1040 Apple iPhone XS Max 512GB costs 800 Apple iPhone XS Max 256GB costs 750 Apple iPhone XS Max 64GB costs 700 Apple iPhone XS 512GB costs 700 Apple iPhone XS 256GB costs 650 Apple iPhone XS 64GB costs 600 Apple iPhone XR 256GB costs 600 Apple iPhone XR 128GB costs 550 Apple iPhone XR 64GB costs 500 Apple iphone x 64GB costs 530Apple iphone x 256GB costs 550Samsung Galaxy Samsung Galaxy A51 64GB 4GB RAM costs 300 Samsung Galaxy A51 128GB 4GB RAM costs 350 Samsung Galaxy A51 128GB 6GB RAM costs 400 Samsung Galaxy Xcover FieldPro 32GB 3GB RAM cost 650 Samsung Galaxy Xcover Pro 64GB 4GB RAM cost 400 Samsung Galaxy A70s 128GB 8GB RAM cost 520 Samsung Galaxy A20s 32GB 3GB RAM costs 200 Samsung Galaxy A20s 64GB 4GB RAM costs 250Samsung Galaxy M30s 64GB 4GB RAM costs 300 Samsung Galaxy M30s 128GB 6GB RAM costs 350 Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite 128GB 8GB RAM cost 450 Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite 128GB 8GB RAM cost 550 Samsung Galaxy A71 128GB 6GB RAM costs 320 We sell both Brand new Used product and we offer both retailing wholesale Here are the list of other products we sell below LG Sony Xperia OnePlus Google Pixel NOKIA Huawei CAT HTC Lenovo Xiaomi Camcorder Camera Camera Lens Portable Players SmartPhones Tablet Tab Airpods LapTop NoteBook Msi PC PlayStation GoPro TV Refrigerator SodaStream Cisco Switch MSI GeForce and Watch With our experience we are very focused on the needs of our customers and provide excellent quality product and service FOR INQUIRIES CONTACT US ONEmail vtechelectronicseurop77 gmail comSkype vtechelectronicseurop77Name Radomil Walczak

Kosten: N.o.t.k. € 700,-

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Geplaatst op:16-01-2020 om 07:01u
Door:Radomil Walczak
Bekeken door: 1116 bezoekers
Aantal vragen: Er zijn 0 vragen gesteld

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N.o.t.k. € 700,-
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